As children grow up, they becomes curious and asks compelling questions about the world around us. We train our children that the afterlife and the promised land is part of our destiny. Our physical reality, however, is that we are explorers. Read More
Historical Power Imbalance: Who Governs?
George proves time and again that you cannot kill an idea, or suppress the will of the people with an edict. Read More
The Venerable Life of the Vegetarian
If there is one issue that seems to be engaging the political and social conscience of our era: global warming. Though a deeply polarizing topic, particularly with regard to its implications and severity, the bigger scandal can be found in the misinformation surrounding it. Read More
The Metropolitan Bike Sharing Problem
The idea of bike sharing is great: bikes (ecological, maneuverable, fast) plus sharing (I think we can all agree that sharing is great). But what these programs really offer their users is ease of use: hop on, ride wherever you want, and when you’re finished—hop off. Great for the user, great for the company, but what about the rest of us? Read More
Seattle’s Stunted Skyline
George Freeman has been a staunch advocate for an upgrade to Seattle’s infrastructure. Freeman believes in the cultural advancements of Seattle and responsible development to meet the city’s pressing demands and to reflect the true sophistication of Seattle, one our nation most beloved cities. Read More
Dancing in the Streets
You can still find it. That old-world animal spirit synonymous with Pagan harvest festivities and ancient Aztec rituals. You can find it in Mardi Gras and Carnival. Read More