George Freeman was actively behind the scenes at WOR Radio, New York. During his tenure George performed various regulatory audits keeping the station in good standing with federal guidelines…It is time citizens demand their government protect them, for citizens to boycott advertisers who use Sinclair Broadcasting services, and for the leaders of the FCC be removed for leaders who respect the public over business. Read More
Galaxy 21: A “Cosmic Extravaganza”
Military service brought George to the east coast in the late 1960s. Later, he would venture to the big apple landing a job as salesman for a plastics company. Because of his natural charisma, however, he turned a sales call at the local radio station into a permanent role at WOR Radio, New York. Read More
Police Accountability: Who Will Watch the Watchers?
During the early 1980’s, the Seattle establishment, including the police and a group called Parents in Arms, targeted The Monastery for closure based on bigotry and prejudice. Statements and affidavits submitted in support of efforts to close The Monastery often commented on racial mixing, and the presence of homosexuals. Read More
Mass Arrests, Just To Prove A Point
It is no secret that law enforcement agencies have been in a perpetual struggle with how to control the power they possess. Over the years, there have been so many incidents that involve police violence that the public has become more and more afraid of the police, and less sympathetic to the problems they face. Read More
Laws Worth Fighting For?
Over the years, the Universal Life Church has served as a haven for the downtrodden. It would open its doors to those that did not have a place to go. On the whole, we as a society are not very welcoming, but that was not the case with this particular establishment. Read More
Religious Persecution: Going After the Wrong People
In the early 1970s the Seattle Police were dealing with some serious threats to the community. There were robbers, vandals, criminals assaulting innocent civilians, and worse, happening daily in the city. Luckily, the SPD had their priorities straight; the police knew the true threat to the city came from criminals and degenerates who are drinking alcohol at The Monastery Read More