You probably didn’t hear about it, but for a few months, astronomers were worried that a deadly asteroid would strike the Earth. This asteroid, 2021 QM1, was predicted to collide with us in 2052, an impact that would have been comparable to the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Thankfully, after getting a better view of the asteroid, astronomers were able to …
Seeding the Universe
The future looks bleak for us. While we’ve already started to experience some effects of climate collapse, Generation Z is looking down the barrel of a gun that humanity pointed at itself. Despite efforts to fight environmental collapse and even some progress being made, disaster is coming for us. The exact scale of that disaster isn’t known, but it’s not a matter …
A New Era of Biological Intelligence
In a groundbreaking new experiment, scientists have managed to grow human brain cells in a lab, and after just a few minutes teach them to play the simple video game Pong. The research paper, intriguingly titled “In vitro neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated gameworld” details scientists recent advancements in cultivating and understanding human brains. After …
We’re All in this Together
We’ve previously discussed how Generation Z is struggling in our modern, anxious era, facing an epidemic of suicide. However, it’s not just the youth who are suffering. From 2000 to 2018, American suicide rates rose 30%. In 2020, 12.2 million adults seriously considered suicide, with 1.2 million attempting it, leading to nearly 46,000 American deaths. This makes suicide the 12th …
The Kids Are Not All Right
The End Times are upon us. This is the consensus of people across the political spectrum. The human race, either through spiritual depravity or indifference to the natural world, is marching off a cliff. Though the Left and the Right don’t agree on the mechanism of our demise, they agree we’re careening toward annihilation. Is it any wonder that our collective …
Move it or Lose it: FEMA’s Failings
Flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster in the United States, causing billions in annual economic losses. According to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), 90% of all natural disasters in the United States involve flooding. The NFIP is a federal program created in 1968 that tracks flood-related natural disasters and provides insurance to property owners and renters …