The United States Supreme Court is poised to overturn the constitutional right associated with abortion, which arises from the 14th Amendment. Because same-sex marital rights also arise from the 14th amendment, LGBTQ+ individuals are now worried that their own rights are at risk. Advocates for LGBTQ rights are concerned that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, the decision may eventually lead to the repeal of …
Was Jesus Gay or Bi?
Every year to date, June has been Gay Pride Month. This June also marks the seventh anniversary of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage in the U.S. after decades of work by activists. Yet, even as American society by and large has come to accept homosexuality as a natural behavior of humanity, the fundamentalist church …
The Indirect Discrimination Of PSU’ Teachings
As New Testament Scholar Daniel Kirk has pointed out, Christians today would do well by the tradition of the apostles and our current witness in the world to recognize that theological abstractions aside, God has already clearly embraced LGBTQ+ people into full communion, and it is now the church’s responsibility to simply honor that reality and rejoice (Luke 15). One …
Hate Is Hate
“Hate is Hate” Original Blog (1/3) Posted on July 8, 2009 With the celebration of our country’s Independence Day just a few days ago, we thought we would bring light once more to a growing problem in America; hate and the effect that it has upon an individual’s peace, freedom, liberty and independence from public persecution. The Congress of the United …
The Pope Comes Out….
….in support of same-sex civil unions. The Catholic Church continues to be an age-old example of high drag (grown men with “Dorothy’s red shoes”). Catholic priests and even some of the orthodox offshoot’s clerics have gowns that would make any queen jealous. Read More
There Is No Plan(et) B
According to a new study published in Historical Biology, An International Journal of Paleobiology, mass extinctions of life on Earth appear to follow regular cycles which coincide with major asteroid impacts and devastating volcanic…Read More