When the government allows those with wealth to wield their money as a weapon—controlling the economy, influencing laws, and dictating policies—it abandons the foundational principles of the Constitution. This includes denying healthcare as a basic human right (a standard embraced by most Western nations) and funneling federal funds into religious schools that preach the superiority of their God over others’. Such actions betray the intent of the framers of the Constitution.
Yes, citizens have rights, and sooner than later people will get fed up with a system that actively ruins their lives. At the same time, the government cannot ignore the glaring inequalities baked into this system—inequalities that have historically excluded sharecroppers, poor communities (Black and white), Native Americans, and others. And let’s be real—they still haven’t been addressed today.
It’s time for the people to reclaim the moral core of this nation, rooting out the corruption that prioritizes the wealthy few over the many. Wealth is not a pass to dismiss humanity. We are our brother’s keeper, and in this patchwork nation of tribes—Black, white, gay, straight, religious, agnostic, tall, short, fat, fit—we owe each other a collective responsibility.
America is not a private club for the elite. It’s a public government, one that should honor the will of the majority while safeguarding the dignity and survival of the minority. This isn’t about letting a handful of swing states dictate the future for the rest of us. It’s about recognizing that the American tribe is all of us, together.
We won’t fix this by killing each other, idolizing QAnon, or overindulging in wokeness. We fix this by believing in America and, more importantly, in ourselves. The winds of change are blowing, as the old song says, and they may not pass this way again. Let’s get it right this time