
Vision For the Future

We are all born with innate creativity. From the cradle to the grave, human beings are compelled to explore. Today, we have mapped most of the world’s oceans, mountains, and forests. Now, we must look to the last great unexplored frontier: space. To reveal our universe and learn the true meaning of our existence, we must recognize that for all of us as a human species, Science is God.

I believe that our society is at a crossroads. We live in an age of divisive religious beliefs; militant and political religious organizations use fear as an influential tool. My mission is to unite the people of the world together under a single, all-encompassing, non-discriminatory belief system. To achieve these goals, we must learn from the past. Historically, religious conflicts have led to unimaginable amounts of violence. As we progress, we as human beings must put petty differences aside and work together for the betterment of future generations on Earth.

History of Religion



...Therefore be at peace with God,

whatever you conceive Him to be,

And whatever your labors and aspirations,

in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,

it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

A Threat to the Planet

This planet is in a crisis. We can be destroyed by asteroids because we do not have a planetary defense system ready. We have polluted the planet to the point that we are killing it. We have encouraged large families, used religions to fight against sterilization and abortion, and listened to the voice of various gods. Gods who despise each other and suggest their patrons kill non-believers or threaten them with hell and fire, damnation, condemning even innocent babies.

With the chaos and confusion comes a solution that perhaps we are being forced to make: we must escape and explore the universe in search of our Gods. To ensure our survival and place in the universe, we must take our religion into our own hands and pilot our ship; we will discover who we are, where we came from, and where we're going. Above all, we must never forget; Science is God. Our destination awaits.


"Ordination is just a legal thing,
you can marry them, you can bury them;
hatch, match or dispatch them,
take care of spiritual needs from the womb to the tomb,
from the sperm to worm,
and from the erection to the resurrection"
- Daniel Zimmerman

- Zimmerman

3-4 Thousand Years Ago...

Humanoids and carbon core entities with elongated skulls were found in the same burial ground in Malta. It appears this was a relationship between the two entities, suggesting that they could have been mated. In exploring the possibility that we have not met or seen any of the gods that we have created, that perhaps man kind truly was made in the image of god, not from the tales of Adam and Eve, but from the tombs in Malta.

Life's Lyrics

Our world would be nothing without the power of art and music itself!

    Disco & Seattle


    Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970-1979 by Tim Lawrence


    Last Night a DJ Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey by Bill Brewster


    Vanishing Seattle by Clark Humphrey


    Vision For the Future

    We are all born with innate creativity. From the cradle to the grave, human beings are compelled to explore. To date, we have mapped most of the world’s oceans, mountains, and forests. Now, we must look to the last great unexplored frontier: space. To reveal our universe and learn the true meaning of human existence, we must recognize that for us as a species, Science is God.

    I believe that our society is at a crossroads. We live in an age of divisive religious beliefs, and fear is used as an influential tool by militant and political religious organizations. My mission is to unite the people of the world together under a single, all-encompassing, non-discriminatory belief system. In order to achieve these goals, we must learn from the past. Historically, religious conflicts have led to unimaginable amounts of violence. Going forward, we as human beings must put petty differences aside and work together for the betterment of future generations on earth.


    ...Therefore be at peace with God,

    whatever you conceive Him to be,

    And whatever your labors and aspirations,

    in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,

    it is still a beautiful world.

    Be cheerful.

    Strive to be happy.

    A Threat to the Planet

    This planet is in a crisis. It has the potential of being destroyed by asteroids because we do not have a planetary defense system ready. We have polluted the planet to the point that we are killing the it. We have encouraged large families, used religions to fight against sterilization and abortion, listened to the voice of varies gods, gods who despise each other and suggest their patrons kill non believers, or leave them in a state of consciousness where they are threatened with hell and fire, damnation, even innocent babies.

    With the chaos and confusion comes a solution that perhaps we are being forced to make, and that is that we must escape and explore the universe in search of our Gods. The purpose of taking religion into our own hands and piloting our own ship, is the direction of finding who we are, where did we come from, and how soon do we go there to seed our species out in the universe. We must always remember, Science is God. Our destination awaits.


    3-4 Thousand Years Ago...

    Humanoids and carbon core entities with elongated skulls were found in the same burial ground in Malta. It appears this was a relationship between the two entities, suggesting that they could have been mated. In exploring the possibility that we have not met or seen any of the gods that we have created, that perhaps man kind truly was made in the image of god, not from the tales of Adam and Eve, but from the tombs in malta.

    Life's Lyrics

    "Ordination is just a legal thing, you can marry them, you can bury them;
    hatch, match or dispatch them, take care of spiritual needs from the womb to the tomb,
    from the sperm to worm, and from the erection to the resurrection"
    - Daniel Zimmerman

    - Zimmerman

    Our world would be nothing without the power of art and music itself!

      Disco & Seattle


      Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970-1979 by Tim Lawrence


      Last Night a DJ Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey by Bill Brewster


      Vanishing Seattle by Clark Humphrey